Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pride Cometh(ing) After a Fail

Today was one of those running days that makes one appreciate the good running days. I popped out for a 4-7 mi run - nothing major, just recovery. About 2 miles into the excursion, instead of falling into a pace, I fell out of one. I wasn't too tired to run - not too sore or stiff from yesterday's much longer trail run. I simply couldn't find my groove (to use a technical term).

I figured I'd take a moment to walk and see if I couldn't get some focus back on form. While walking I noticed that sweat was pouring off the bill of my cap in a manner akin to Niagara. After such a short time? That couldn't be good. I got a bit concerned about dehydration.

I can easily lose 4-7 lbs on a long run in heat.  It seems crazy, but it is true. Yesterday I would estimate that I dropped about 5 on the trail run, and probably another lb playing 2 hours of disc golf in the afternoon. While I did drink a lot of water and electrolyte bevs yesterday, it is completely likely that the hydrate/dehydrate repetition of the previous 24 hours had thrown my body into a bit of turmoil.

I had one of those ridiculous moments while I walked for a couple of hundred yards. A guy out running passed me going the other direction. For a second I was embarrassed to be seen walking. But then I thought, I am wearing a 2010 KS Marathon cap. He'll obviously notice that and know that I'm a runner. And then I thought, OMG! Am I really that guy!?! Do I really give a crap?!? Seriously?!? And I pondered that for a while as I walked and then ran the rest of the way home.

And the answer is... maybe. In all honesty, I don't want to be the guy who cares if people think he's a runner, a walker, a jogger, a dabbler in fitness, etc... But then I think about how much running (and to a lesser extent biking, swimming, tennis, hiking, and disc golf) plays a part of my day to day life. And I guess I do want to be known (at least a bit) for living an active lifestyle. Does that make me shallow? Well, it certainly doesn't help. But taking a bit of pride in anything one does - whether it is craft, career, fitness or anything else - really can't be all bad. Can it?


  1. I'm woefully insecure, in that regard. I wouldn't buy racing flats or split shorts until I felt "fast enough" to be seen in them, and even still, won't race in the splits unless I'm feeling particularly good. I will race anyone who happens to be running near me, even on an "easy" day, whether they seem intent on running fast or not. When actually racing, it's a good thing my thoughts aren't public knowledge. Let's leave it at that.

    So, yeah, I'm very much that guy. Not my best feature.

    1. I think we all might be surprised as to how many of us really do feel this way. It is very odd. Every now and then I think it is good to talk about and acknowledge in order to keep our running pure and our pride in check.
